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Sie möchten sich initiativ bei uns bewerben? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.


Bitte fügen Sie Ihre aussagekräftigen Unterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Schul-, Ausbildungs- oder Arbeitszeugnisse usw.) bei.




Unsolicited application


Would you like to send us an unsolicited application? Then we look forward to receiving your application.


Please enclose your informative documents (cover letter, CV, school, training or work references, etc.).





This is what we offer to you!

Diverse roles within a motivated team

Thorough training across all departments and continued personal development support in a global environment

Professional challenges with plenty of freedom for independent and responsible work

Fast decision-making due to a flat hierarchy company structure

Competitive compensation

Stable economic environment

fast decision-making due to a flat hierarchy company structure

Collaboration with subsidiary companies worldwide