Sustainable supply chain
Code of conduct for suppliers
PROTEGO® is committed to ecologically and socially responsible corporate management. We expect the same behaviour from all our suppliers. We also expect our employees to observe the principles of ecological, social and ethical behaviour and to integrate them into our corporate culture. We strive to continuously optimize our business activities, our products and services in terms of sustainability and encourage our suppliers to contribute to this in the sense of a holistic approach.
Human rights and labor practices
No forced labor, slave labor or similar work may be used. All work must be voluntary, and employees must be able to terminate their work or employment. In addition, there must be no unacceptable treatment of workers, such as psychological hardship, sexual and personal harassment. We are guided by LO Conventions 29 and 105 and/or the fourth principle of the Global Compact.
Child labor must not be used in any phase of production. Suppliers are required to comply with the recommendations of the ILO conventions on the minimum age for the employment of children. We refer to the core labor standards ILO- 79, 138, 142 and 182 and/or the fifth principle of the Global Compact.
Compensation paid to employees must comply with all applicable wage laws, including minimum wage and overtime laws worldwide. Deductions from wages as penalties are not permitted. (ILO conventions 26 and 131).
Working hours must comply with applicable local laws or industry standards worldwide. (ILO conventions 1 and 14).
Supplier shall respect ILO Conventions 87, 98, 135, 154 and/or the third principle of the Global Compact, which includes the right of workers to freedom of association, to join trade unions, to seek workers' representation or to be members of works councils in accordance with local legislation, where permitted.
Discrimination against employees in any form is not permitted. This applies, for example, to discrimination based on gender, race, caste, skin color, disability, political conviction, origin, religion, age, pregnancy or sexual orientation. The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual are respected. The ILO conventions 110, 111 and 159 and/or the sixth principle of the Global Compact apply.
Supplier shall provide safe working conditions and comply with applicable legal and international standards regarding health and safety at work. We refer to the ILO conventions 155 and 164.
We expect our suppliers to share our commitment to social and environmental responsibility and responsible behavior along the entire supply chain. All our suppliers undertake to make reasonable efforts to ensure that all actors along the supply chain comply with the basic principles of this Code of Conduct.
The supplier must ensure that no products are supplied to us whose source minerals come from a conflict region where they directly or indirectly contribute to the financing or support of armed groups or cause or encourage human rights violations.
Operating Practices
We expect that the standards of fair business, fair advertising and fair competition are observed. In addition, the applicable antitrust laws must be applied.
The supplier undertakes to meet the reasonable expectations of his client, suppliers, customers, consumers and employees with regard to the protection of private information. When collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and disclosing personal information, the supplier shall comply with local laws on data protection and information security and local government regulations.
Intellectual property rights must be respected; technology and know-how transfer must be carried out in such a way that intellectual property rights and customer information are protected.
The highest standards of integrity must be applied to all business activities. The supplier must pursue a zero-tolerance policy in prohibiting all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement. Monitoring and enforcement processes must be in place to ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws. Conflicts of interest and even the appearance of such conflicts must be avoided.
Money laundering and terrorism are neither directly nor indirectly to be promoted.
The legal export control and customs regulations must be observed.
We expect our suppliers to use all kinds of resources responsibly.
The supplier undertakes to comply with applicable environmental laws and permits and international standards, to minimize environmental pollution and to continuously improve environmental protection.
Supplier shall enable its employees to report violations of the code of conduct without fear of negative consequences for those employees.
Our confidential reporting system opens up the possibility of anonymously reporting violations of the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. Our reporting system should be particularly frequented when it involves serious misconduct or violations with a high risk for the PROTEGO® Group. Anyone who has such information can contact us: