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179 results:
31. Equipment for Cryogenic Storage Tanks
Pressure and Vacuum Relief Valves for Cryogenic Storage Tanks Decades of experience in manufacturing pilot-operated pressure/vacuum relief valves, our expertise in computer-optimized design, and our extensive test facilities form the basis for the development of…
32. Tank Equipment
PROTEGO® Tank Equipment The PROTEGO® SE/K Floating Roof Drainage Systems are used to drain rainwater from the floating roofs of storage tanks. Get more information on PROTEGO® SE/K PROTEGO® SA/S Floating Suction Units are used in storage tanks with…
33. Flame Arresters
Working principle of Flame Arresters Flame Arresters (or ‘flame arrestors’) are designed to allow the flow of gases, liquids, etc. and to prevent flame transmission. PROTEGO® Flame Arresters are composed of individual FLAMEFILTER® (flame arrester discs),…
34. Contact
PROTEGO® Worldwide
35. Special Solutions
Your guide to a Special Solution in cooperation with PROTEGO® It is important to note that, depending on your specific requirements, there is no standardized way of proceeding when it comes to finding the best solution for you. Nonetheless, we would like to give…
36. Applications
Safe systems in practice PROTEGO® devices are used in a wide range of industrial applications. A safe process requires reliable protection for every conceivable operating parameter. Practical examples show how systmes can be made safe and how PROTEGO®…
Excellence in Safety and Environment Since 1954, PROTEGO® has built and provided flame arresters, valves and tank equipment, now with the help of more than 650 employees worldwide. We are the technology leader within our area of expertise. We provide global…
38. Storage Tanks for Alcohol
Protection of roofed storage tanks for ethanol and other alcohols Protection of roofed alcohol storage tanks with deflagration-proof Vacuum Relief Valve PROTEGO® SV/E and Detonation Flame Arrester PROTEGO® DR/ES or PROTEGO® DR/ES-V with integrated…
39. Compliance
Guidelines for us and for our Actions Continuity and customer orientation, identification and growth are very important to us. We create an atmosphere that harmonises corporate success, people and the environment so that everyone can make their own contribution.…
40. Supply Chain Management and Procurement
Your products as part of the success We strive to make our supply chain as agile as possible. In addition to suppliers from the greater Braunschweig area, we rely on suppliers from a wide variety of regions in Germany, Europe and the world. Requirements for our…
Search results 31 until 40 of 179