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179 results:
21. Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement This privacy statement provides you, a user of our website, with all the necessary information on how, to what extent, and for which purposes we or third-party providers collect data from you and use it. Your data is collected and used strictly…
22. Terms
General terms of business of Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH I. General The only terms applicable to the contract are our terms of business. We shall not accept any customer terms that conflict with or differ from our own, save only if we have specifically…
23. Flame Arresters as integrated Equipment Components
Protection of flameproof radial-flow fans with integrated flame arresters FLAMEFILTER®, flame arrester units or flame arresters as OEM components are product variants, that are integrated by qualified and approved manufacturers in their branded products. …
24. Imprint
Imprint Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH Industriestr. 11 D-38110 Braunschweig phone: +49 (0) 5307 / 809-0 fax: +49 (0) 5307 / 7824 e-mail: Trade Register Braunschweig HRB 1983 VAT-No. DE 811188775  Managing Director: Dr.-Ing.…
25. Cryogenic Tanks
Protection of Propylene Storage Tanks Pilot-Operated Pressure Relief Valve PROTEGO® VN-A-PCPF-NV In-Tank Valve PROTEGO® ITV-S In-line Detonation Flame Arrester PROTEGO® DA-SB Vacuum Relief Valve PROTEGO® V/SV and V/SV-XXL Emergency Pressure…
26. Vapour Combustion Systems and Flares
Protection of flares Equipping elevated flares or ground flares with DA-SB detonation flame arresters. Equipping the emergency vent stack with VD/SV-HRL deflagration-proof endurance burning-proof pressure and vacuum relief valve. Gasholders with DR/SBW…
27. Biogas Systems, Wastewater Treatment and Landfill Gas Systems
Protecting the digester or the collecting basin with a UB/SF frost-proof pressure and vacuum relief valve and with DR/ES detonation flame arresters in the gas or vapour manifold. Protecting the desulphurisation unit suitable for elevated temperature and…
28. Storage Tanks in Tank Farms
Protection of floating-roof storage tanks Floating-roof storage tank with floating-roof drainage system SE/K, roof valve D/SR, stem-actuated valve AL/DK with deflagration flame arresters EB, rim vent P/EB. Protection of fixed-roof storage tanks …
29. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processing Facilities
Protection of Processing Facilities Tank farms for flammable liquids with pressure and vacuum relief diaphragm valve UB/SF, connection to gas vent header system with detonation flame arrester DR/ES-V or DR/ES and pressure or vacuum relief valve DZ/T. …
30. Lightning Protection
Lightning Protection
Search results 21 until 30 of 179