A iniciativa Blue Competence
Nós somos parceiros da iniciativa de sustentabilidade Blue Competence. Blue Competence é uma iniciativa da Associação Alemã de Fabricantes de Máquinas e Instalações Industriais, ou VDMA, para promover a sustentabilidade na engenharia mecânica e industrial, mas também para tornar conhecidas as soluções sustentáveis da indústria. Com nossa parceria, nós nos comprometemos a cumprir os doze princípios de sustentabilidade da engenharia mecânica e industrial.

Protecting lives, preserving values
This is how we shape a sustainable future
Since our foundation in 1954, PROTEGO® has been guided by the principle: Protecting Lives, Preserving Values. This not only underscores the quality and safety of our valves but also emphasizes our commitment to resource conservation. Is there a better way to protect lives and preserve values than by acting sustainably?

Code of conduct for suppliers
PROTEGO® is committed to ecologically and socially responsible corporate management. We expect the same behaviour from all our suppliers. We also expect our employees to observe the principles of ecological, social and ethical behaviour and to integrate them into our corporate culture.