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Développement durable et protection de l'environnement

Dans l'intérêt des générations actuelles et futures, la protection de l'environnement et la promotion de la durabilité sont des tâches entrepreneuriales. Nous sommes conscients de cette responsabilité. Nous sommes convaincus que nos efforts apportent une contribution positive au monde dans lequel nous vivons.

Pour en savoir plus sur nos projets passés et en cours, cliquez ici.

12e journée allemande de la diversité

Depuis la signature de la "Charte de la diversité" en mai 2022, nous nous sommes engagés à favoriser un environnement de travail ouvert et non discriminatoire.
Pour honorer cette journée, nous avons réuni des membres de l'équipe de notre bureau de Brunswick, représentant des nationalités telles que l'Italie, la Hongrie, l'Ukraine, la Russie, la Pologne, l'Espagne, la France, la Syrie, la Turquie, le Togo et le Kazakhstan.
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Planter des arbres pour un avenir plus vert

Chez PROTEGO USA, nous nous engageons à avoir un impact positif sur l'environnement.
Pour célébrer la Journée de l'arbre, nous sommes ravis d'annoncer notre don de 50 arbres à Grâce à notre équipe formidable, nous faisons un pas significatif vers un monde plus vert et plus sain.
Pedaling for a Cure

David Lovein from PROTEGO USA embarked on a 50-mile bike ride on November 4th 2023, not just for the thrill of the ride, but to contribute to a noble cause - the fight against cancer.
David joined more than 1,100 riders at the annual fundraising event Lowvelo with the shared purpose to raise funds for the ongoing battle against cancer.
Sharing our warmth with kids in need

In Rio de Janeiro, where the office of PROTEGO Brasil is located, the people are normally accustomed to the high temperatures in their daily lives but in winter season they are very affected by the temperature drops, with July being the coldest month of the year.
That's why PROTEGO Brasil partnered up with the Santa Rita de Cássia Orphanage and donated a generous number of winter clothes to support the orphaned children!
Shaping the Learning Experience for Trainees

In a gesture of appreciation for our collaborative journey with the Heinrich-Büssing-Schule in Brunswick, Germany, our team proudly handed over 25 CAD-compatible PCs.
These computers will play a pivotal role in shaping the learning experience for trainees in construction professions.
Planting Trees

We believe in making the world greener, one seedling at a time! ??
That's why we decided to not only donate 20.000 trees but also plant as many new trees in the Harz Mountains as we could by ourselves!
Supporting our local Kindergarten

On September 5th 2023, the "Building Bridges - Companies Get Involved" initiative once again united employees from PROTEGO® to make a positive impact.
Sören Pape, our Production Instructor, led a team of six trainees, and together, they embarked on a day filled with exciting projects and shared laughter.
Blood Donation

Team PROTEGO® Brazil visited the State Institute of Hematology (HEMORIO) to do their part in blood donation.
In each donation, a maximum of 470 ml of blood were donated. With this amount of blood, doctors are able to save the lives of four people!

Every tree counts, let's create a greener future!
The local newspapers have strong regional ties and, as paper-consuming companies, they want to take responsibility for the Harz region and reforest it as a recreational area. They have selected a planting area with the Lower Saxony State Forests, which they intend to turn into a new forest together.

We are glad to be part of this incredibly important project!
Our team has teamed up with "Tierschutz Braunschweig" to expand the shelter area of the Tierschutzverein in Braunschweig and provide the animals with weather protection for the cold winter.