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Condensate Drain Valve deflagration proof

Function and Description

The PROTEGO® ZE/TK condensate drain valve is used for flame transmission-proof condensate drainage of devices or plant equipment (e.g., tanks, pipelines, etc.) where flammable liquids can form condensate and flammable product vapor/ air mixtures could develop. They can also be used for the venting of tanks, plant components, and pipes that transport or process flammable liquids. The drain valve incorporates an end-of-line deflagration flame arrester.

The condensate drain valve PROTEGO® ZE/TK consists of the ball valve (1) with hand lever (2), a female threaded connection (e.g., pipe thread G½” up to G1”), and the flame arrester (3) with cover (4).

The elbow fitting (5) is also available as an optional outlet.

The flame arrester (3) consists of the flame arrester casing and FLAMEFILTER®.

The ball valve is opened with the hand lever. When draining condensate, a suitable container is required. When draining flammable and/or toxic products, observe the appropriate safety provisions.

The simple and sturdy design is suitable for nearly all flammable liquids and can be installed in any position.

Flame transmission protection is guaranteed against atmospheric deflagrations of product vapor/air mixtures of explosion groups up to IIB (NEC groups D to C) up to an operating temperature of +60°C/140°F and an operating pressure up to 1.1 bar/15.9 psi.

EU conformity according to the currently valid ATEX directive. Approvals according to other national/international regulations on request.


DNabcØ defghikl
G½"60 / 2.364313033 / 1.3032 / 1.26110 / 4.3355 / 2.173874445 / 1.7754 / 2.1338 / 1.5067 / 2.64
G¾"65 / 2.5635 / 1.3833 / 1.3038 / 1.50110 / 4.3360 / 2.3634 / 1.3445 / 1.7754 / 2.1338 / 1.5067 / 2.64
G1"73 / 2.8740 / 1.5733 / 1.3045 / 1.77110 / 4.3365 / 2.5641 / 1.6145 / 1.7754 / 2.1338 / 1.5067 / 2.64
Dimensions in mm / inches


Ball valveStainless Steel
ElbowStainless Steel
CoverStainless Steel
FLAMEFILTER®Stainless Steel
The valves must be sufficiently resistant to corrosion through the gas/air mixtures or product vapour/air mixtures. This applies mailnly to the FLAMEFILTER®. If necessary, designs in Special stainless steel Quality should be selected.

Explosion group

MESGExpl. Gr. (IEC / CEN)Gas Group (NEC)
≥ 0,50 mmIIBB

Type of connection

Pipe thread DIN ISO 228 T1DIN

Design Types and Specifications

There are two designs available:

Condensate drain valve, standard design

ZE/TK - 1

Condensate drain valve with elbow

ZE/TK - 2

Special designs are available on request.