Función y Descripción
Fixed roof tanks (e.g. slop tanks) are equipped with Floating Skimmer System PROTEGO® SA/DA to discharge the liquid at the liquid surface. In this process, the inlet opening is always moved with the liquid surface using one or more floats, depending on the liquid level. This ensures that medium can always be discharged.
Sizes are available from 2” to 6” for fixed roof tanks.
Other nominal diameters, materials and special solutions are possible, but must be checked in each individual case.
Selección de materiales
PROTEGO® SA/DA Floating Skimmer Systems are designedSchwimmende Oberflächenabsauganlagen PROTEGO® SA/DA werden nach Kundenanforderung und unter Berücksichtigung des eingelagerten Mediums und des jeweiligen Tankes aus-gelegt, konstruiert und gefertigt. Sie sind konzipiert für einen langjährigen Betrieb im vollen Mediumkontakt. Wir verwenden Edelstahl für stark beanspruchte Komponenten bzw. aggressive Medien and sized to suit the individual tank specifications and the stored medium as well as customer requirements. PROTEGO® SA/DA Floating Skimmer Systems are designed for a long life in service in complete medium contact. We use carbon steel or stainless steel for highly loaded components or aggressive media.
Selección y Diseño
PROTEGO® Floating Skimmer Systems are the result of extensive experience and are well-conceived solutions for the end-user. This includes full project documentation with design drawings taking tank installations (optional arrangement check) and, if required, an inspection of the installed equipment before commissioning into account.
Essential for the design of the PROTEGO® Floating Skimmer Systems is the Heavy Duty Swivel Joints, which are designed to work maintenance-free for many years in full medium contact. This design provides the tank operator with operational reliability, and unforeseen and expensive repairs are prevented.
The Swivel Joint comes with/in
- made of stainless steel;
- lubricated with a maintenance-free lifetime lubrication system; and
- equipped with a double row ball bearing with larger sizes to optimize reliability.
PROTEGO® Floating Skimmer Systems SA/DA are equipped with a skimmer float, which discharges the stored medium at the liquid surface. The design of this float depends on several factors, but the density of the medium is primarily decisive.
The buoyancy to move the system is also generated by the skimmer-float, if possible. If necessary, an additional buoyancy float is used, which carries the main weight of the plant.
Floats are exclusively manufactured from high-quality stainless steel and are 100 % pressure tested.
"Made in Germany"
PROTEGO® Floating Roof Drainage Systems are „Made in Germany“ and will provide many years of trouble free tank operation.
Modelo y especificación
Floating Skimmer System PROTEGO® SA/DA are engineered, constructed and manufactured according to customer requirements and taking the stored medium and customers tank parameters into account. They are designed for many years of operation in full medium contact. We use stainless steel for highly loaded components or aggressive substances.
PROTEGO® SA/DA with double-bend for fixed Roof tanks