- Protecting the digester or the collecting basin with a UB/SF frost-proof pressure and vacuum relief valve and with DR/ES detonation flame arresters in the gas or vapour manifold.
- Protecting the desulphurisation unit suitable for elevated temperature and pressure with FA-CN, FA-CN-T or FA-E deflagration flame arresters.
- Protecting the in-line gasholder in the pressure and vacuum relief line with an EB endurance burning- proof deflagration flame arrester; equipping the emergency vent stack with P/EBR deflagration-proof and endurance burning-proof pressure relief valve and SV/E deflagration-proof vacuum relief valve.
- Ground flares, cogeneration plants and diesel gensets are potential ignition sources for a biogas (methane) air mixture. Suitable flame arresters that consider temperature and pressure need to be installed in the piping towards the equipment. Use needs to be made of either FA-CN-T or FA-E-T temperature-monitored deflagration flame arresters or - at a great distance from the potential ignition source - DA-SB or DR/ES detonation flame arresters are used.
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Contact our specialists for your individual requirements.